The Ghost House by Bill Nagelkerke

Book Details
Author: Bill Nagelkerke
Publisher: The Cuba Press (Ahoy!)
ISBN: 9781991150820
Date Published: 10 October 2022
Pages: 200
Format: Paperback
RRP: $25.00
Reviewer: Cassidy Grace, English Teacher, Hamilton Girl’s High School, Hamilton
This is a New Zealand novel, set in modern day Christchurch. The book centres on David, a young boy who is cricket mad. We find out early in the book that he has some health issues but decides to adventure into Christchurch’s red zone where he discovers a house and the lady who resides there, Anges.
It is a simple, easy to read novel with short chapters. Nagelkerke is a storyteller who creates vivid images of a derelict house and numerous characters David encounters. This is further enhanced through sketches spread out throughout the novel.
It would suit students in Year seven and eight. Teachers using this novel could discuss the natural disasters in New Zealand, specifically the Christchurch earthquakes, the impact and effects illnesses have on people and relationships between different generations.