- To promote the development of English teaching throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.
- To facilitate liaison and cooperation between regional English teachers’ Associations.
- To assist regional English teachers’ Associations in their efforts to sustain and expand their activities.
- To disseminate information, articles and other material related to English teaching through newsletters, journals, mailing lists and social media platforms.
- To represent the interests and concerns of people involved in English teaching in Aotearoa to the appropriate authorities and organisations
- To organise conferences of its members to further their knowledge of English teaching and to enhance their skills, interest and capabilities
- To develop links with international English Teaching Associations.
The Executive Committee leads and manages the New Zealand Association of Teachers of English in accordance with the constitution and the policy set by the Council. Please feel free to contact any of these people to ask about the Association, the benefits of membership, or our conferences:
Pip Tinning | President- pip.tinning@nzate.org.nz
Caitlin Funk | Vice President – caitlin.funk@nzate.org.nz
Jenny McPherson | Treasurer – jenny.mcpherson@nzate.org.nz
Melissa Flett | Secretary – melissa.flett@nzate.org.nz